Dynamic Adaptation technology enables MetalJet market-leading brightness for even longer operational periods. In industrial applications such as metrology, inspection or non-destructive testing of e g automotive, aerospace, medical and semiconductor components, the continuous and reliable operation of the test equipment is key. With Dynamic Adaptation technology, the MetalJet X-ray sources are a perfect fit to such tools’ next generation versions.
Dynamic Adaptation technology continuously adapts the e-beam to the natural aging of the cathode. The development of the technology has been possible based on the experience and expertise that Excillum has gained in the area of advanced e-beam control.
Dynamic Adaptation technology can enable more than one-year of 24/7 continuous operation (i e >8000 hours) whilst further improving brightness.
- Dynamic Adaptation is included in new MetalJet X-ray source shipments.
- Existing MetalJet sources can be upgraded to include the new technology.

Dynamic Adaptation technology provides:
Improved performance
- Height fine tune enables optimal usage of cathode over entire life.
- Initial performance boost.
Reduced downtime
- Typical cathode lifetime 2-4x longer – less maintenance.
- Improved algorithms for optimal e-beam power load.
Lower operational cost
- Fewer maintenance visits.
- Less parts needed.
Software functionality and hardware compatibility
- Latest software updates only available on DA sources.
- Secured compatability with future hardware upgrades.
What some of our customers say
Highest flux ever on our inhouse SAXS instrument after upgrading to Dynamic Adaption technology on our Excillum MetalJet source. The HyperSAXS Bruker AXS NanoSTAR now has 73000 cps on our PS standard (CD cover) pushing 1010 photons/sec.
Prof. Jan Skov Pedersen, Aarhus University

Dr. Michael Mrosek
The first MetalJet D2+ upgrade at Bruker was done in the Karlsruhe application laboratory in February 2019. Integrating it as part of a routine maintenance service visit reduced the overall downtime and the system was operational after two days. The hardware installation was straightforward and the new software GUI was very intuitive and only minor changes in the configuration were necessary to complete the upgrade.
After the upgrade, an intensity gain of approximately 70% was measured. The cathode that was used in the upgrade process was finally exchanged in May 2020 after well over 10,000 hours of operation, highlighting the enhanced uptime of the system.
Now, after ten field installations of the D2+ we have seen similar, consistent gains in intensity and cathode lifetime. There is also very positive feedback from customers that the upgrade can be performed with minimal downtime as part of routine maintenance.
Dr. Michael Mrosek, Senior Applications Scientist, Macromolecular Crystallography, Bruker AXS GmbH
We are proud Excillum MetalJet integrators since 2015. As responsible for service and application support of the MetalJet systems, I have over the years closely followed the developments and I really appreciate the increased service intervals, uptime improvements and performance boost.
With its latest generation the MetalJet has proven to be both, the brightest and most reliable high-end X-ray source on the market. STOE and our end users also appreciate that the MetalJet is future proof and that it can be continuously upgraded with the latest technologies. For example, the MetalJet source at the University of Basel has received two times the latest upgrade, first from D2 to D2+, and secondly the Dynamic Adaptation upgrade (DA). The latest upgrade has provided a significant performance boost together with impressively reduced maintenance.”
Thomas Pippinger, Dr. rer. nat.
Senior Support and Application Specialist, Single Crystal Diffraction, STOE

Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Pippinger and Dr. Alessandro Prescimone in front of the MetalJet system at the University of Basel
Contact us to learn more
Published: December 5, 2019
Edited: August 17, 2023