Join Bruker for an educational SC-XRD webinar
Newcastle Structural Biology Lab (NSBL) for macro-molecules is a busy facility serving several departments working on a variety of different structural biology projects. From crystal screening for new protein structure projects, and de novo structure determination using SAD, to high-throughput protein-ligand structure determination in drug discovery, the use of the D8 VENTURE METALJET provides crucial early information and helps to drive projects forward.
Join Bruker for this free 45-minute webinar as Dr. Baslé explains how Bruker AXS’s D8 VENTURE METALJET system contributes to the success of structural biology and drug discovery at NSBL. The presentation will be followed by an interactive Q&A session.
Dr. Arnaud Baslé
X-ray Facilities Manager Biosciences Institute Newcastle University, U.K.
Dr. Michael Mrosek
Application Scientist SC-XRD Bruker AXS GmbH Karlsruhe, Germany