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New game-changing inspection demonstrator for EV batteries

Excillum and VCbattery have come together to launch a demonstrator for high-speed 3D CT inline inspection of EV battery cells. This groundbreaking technology has the potential to revolutionize the way defects are detected and root-caused, making EV batteries safer and production more cost-effective.


  • Groundbreaking system for 3-dimensional computed tomography (3D CT) inline quality control made available. 
  • Speed, performance, and cost effectiveness in EV battery cell production will be significantly improved.  
  • High-throughput inline battery inspection now possible. 

Excillum and VCbattery have launched a demonstrator system for battery inspection using the MetalJet X-ray technology. The demonstrator, located in Stockelsdorf, Germany, will be used to show and commercialize the next generation inline 3D CT inspection systems for electric vehicle (EV) battery production. Reaching new levels in terms of speed, performance, and cost effectiveness, this demonstrator will prove to battery cell manufacturers that high throughput can be achieved for inline battery inspection.

“Together with Excillum, we push the boundaries of what’s possible in the field of X-ray inspection,” says Guido Erbach, VCbattery. “This demonstrator shows that with a full rotational CT scan of an EV battery cell in just one second, it’s possible to increase inspection throughput to tens of thousands of cells per inspection system per day.”

“A critical part in EV battery cell production is quality control. With our solution, EV battery cell manufacturers can not only significantly lower the cost per scan, but also collect more comprehensive quality control data. We are very excited to be able to demonstrate this to the industry,” says Emil Espes, Excillum.

Guido Erbach in front of the demonstrator system in Germany.

To learn more about the demonstrator and the technology, or to book a demonstration, feel free to reach out to:

Emil Espes, Business Development Manager Excillum AB
+46 70 544 74 31


Guido Erbach, Head of Battery Technology VCbattery
+49 160 912 36674

Learn more about the system in this video.

Published: July 13, 2023

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