MetalJet with optics

For state-of-the-art performance

All Excillum MetalJet sources are perfectly suited for integration with X-ray optics thanks to the small extreme brightness X-ray spot, high spot stability and short focus to window distance.

Focused and/or collimated beams of mono- or polychromatic X-rays can thereby be generated with state-of-the-art performance.

Excillum can offer both complete source + optics solutions as well as advice on integration with optics from third party suppliers.

Montel multilayer optics

A Montel optic is two mirrors shaped in one plane each placed next to each other so that X-rays reflected from both surfaces are focused or collimated in two dimensions. Each mirror is furthermore coated with a multilayer structure enhancing the reflectivity for a specific X-ray energy.

In collaboration with our optics-supplier partners Excillum can offer Montel optics with synchrotron-quality low figure errors thereby preserving the brightness of the X-ray emission from a MetalJet source.

Below are examples of Montel optics that are readily available achieving state of the art flux densities in small spot applications.


A gallium Kα focusing optic ideally suited for, e.g., single crystal X-ray diffraction achieving state-of-the art flux density of 6e11 ph/s/mm2

Source to mirror center

105 mm

Convergence angle

7.5 mrad

Mirror center to focus

395 mm

Transmitted energy

9.2 keV

Optics length

150 mm

Transmitted wavelength

1.3 Å

Source model

Jet material


Acceleration voltage

Nominal primary X-ray spot size

Spot size in mirror focus

Total flux in focus2

Peak flux density2

Mean flux density in 50 µm diameter2

MetalJet D2+






1) Accurately measuring or simulating photon flux, spot size etc. is challenging and values obtained can be presented in many ways given, e.g., the definition of spot size. Values can also change somewhat over the course of months as, e.g., the source cathode ages. Values presented are nominal but in many cases expected to be met for several thousand hours. We will be happy to provide more detail as for exact measurement methods and conditions as well as simulation methods and statistics of available data on a case by case basis.
2) In-vacuum values assuming evacuated or He-purged beam path.


An indium Kα focusing optic ideally suited for, e.g., single crystal X-ray diffraction achieving state-of-the art flux density of 6e9 ph/s/mm2

Source to mirror center

110 mm

Convergence angle

3.15 mrad

Mirror center to focus

390 mm

Transmitted energy

24 keV

Optics length

150 mm

Transmitted wavelength

0.51 Å

Source model

Jet material


Acceleration voltage

Nominal primary X-ray spot size

Spot size in mirror focus

Total flux in focus2

Peak flux density2

Mean flux density in 50 µm diameter2

MetalJet D2+






MetalJet E1+







1) Accurately measuring or simulating photon flux, spot size etc. is challenging and values obtained can be presented in many ways given, e.g., the definition of spot size. Values can also change somewhat over the course of months as, e.g., the source cathode ages. Values presented are nominal but in many cases expected to be met for several thousand hours. We will be happy to provide more detail as for exact measurement methods and conditions as well as simulation methods and statistics of available data on a case by case basis.
2) In-vacuum values assuming evacuated or He-purged beam path.
3) Note that some amount of broad-band lower-energy x-rays are also transmitted by the optic due to total external reflection on the mirror surfaces. Depending on application these X-rays may need to be managed by filtering or using detector having an energy-threshold capability. 

Capillary optics

Capillary optics consist of a single capillary (monocapillary) or a bundle of capillaries (polycapillary) of glass reflecting polychromatic X-rays through total external reflection in each capillary. Capillary optics are thereby largely polychromatic.

Currently, we do not offer any specific capillary optic. However, we have experiences with integrating our MetalJet X-ray sources with such optic and good contacts with various capillary optics suppliers. Please contact us to discuss any specific request where capillary optics could be suitable.

As an introduction to polycapillary optics we recommend the master’s thesis Polycapillary X-Ray Optics for Liquid-Metal-Jet X-Ray Tubes by Malcolm Lindqvist (Excillum employee). There, flux densities of 2.4×1013 are measured in a focus size of 12-14 µm.

Scientific publications



The MetalJet technology

Safety and compliance

Excillum x-ray sources

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Mirdad Rabbinson

Field Service Engineer

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