Publications October 20, 2012 X-ray phase contrast CO2 angiography of sub-10 µm vessels October 2012 – Phys. Med. Biol. 57, 7431–7441 (2012) – U. Lundström, D. H. Larsson, A. Burvall,… Ingrid Aksnes Love0
Press releases June 20, 2012 Excillum Launches MetalJet D2 June 12, 2012 - At the European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry (EXRS) Excillum today announced… Ingrid Aksnes Love0
Publications April 20, 2012 Phase-contrast for CO2 microangiography April 2012 – Phys Med. Biol. 57, 2603-2617 (2012) -U. Lundström, D. H. Larsson, A. Burvall,… Ingrid Aksnes Love0
Publications June 20, 2011 Excillums superröntgen revolutionerar framtiden June 2011 – TechWorld – Jörgen Städje This is a Swedish popular magazine article about… Ingrid Aksnes Love0
Publications November 20, 2007 Närgånget med KTHs nya röntgen November 2007 – Ny Teknik – Anders Wallerius This is a Swedish popular magazine article about Excillum… Ingrid Aksnes Love0
Publications August 20, 2003 Liquid-metal-jet anode electron-impact x-ray source August 2003 – Applied Physics Letters – O. Hemberg, M. Otendal, and H. M. Hertz… Ingrid Aksnes Love0