November 4, 2020
High-resolution imaging
Anasuya Adibhatla, Excillum, presents a number of applications where our MetalJet and NanoTube X-ray sources…

November 4, 2020
Recent developments in Bio-SAXS
Anasuya Adibhatla, Excillum, talks about the metal-jet technology for Bio-SAXS and other applications.

October 19, 2020
Pushing the limits
Prof. Dr. Dieter Fenske, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Pippinger, STOE,…

September 24, 2020
Next-generation X-ray microimaging
Jenny Romell and William Twengström, Exciscope, show how to image small, low-contrast features where the…

September 24, 2020
Partner webinar: Macromolecular Crystallography at the Newcastle Structural Biology Lab
Join Bruker for an educational SC-XRD webinar.

September 15, 2020
High-definition X-ray fluorescence imaging

July 8, 2020
Introducing the Excillum MetalJet E1
Excillum COO David Lindblom answers a few questions about the new MetalJet E1. The MetalJet…