Videos September 17, 2021 Pushing the limits with Excillum Our CEO David Lindblom explains how Excillum brings the X-ray source technologies and expertise to… Ingrid Aksnes Love0
Videos April 29, 2021 Nano-CT for the understanding of novel functional materials for batteries and semiconductors Lithium ion batteries reuslts in decreasign capacity and faster discharging in mobile devices. How can… Ingrid Aksnes Love0
Videos April 29, 2021 Understanding Covid-19 with 3D virtual histology based on micro-CT Listen to Prof. Dr. Tim Salditt, University of Göttingen, as he explains their findings using… Ingrid Aksnes Love0
Webinars March 30, 2021 How 3D virtual histology based on µCT helps to understand Covid-19 Prof. Dr. Tim Salditt, University of Göttingen, present the current status of the project, the… Ingrid Aksnes Love0
Publications March 24, 2021 Virtual histology by laboratory x-ray phase-contrast tomography Doctoral thesis by Jenny Romell, KTH Royal Insitute of Technology, March 2021. Ingrid Aksnes Love0
Webinars June 9, 2020 Join the nanoscale resolution revolution Dominik Müller, University of Würzburg, and Christian Fella, Fraunhofer IIS Würzburg, present case studies using… Ingrid Aksnes Love0
Publications March 2, 2020 Phase-contrast x-ray tomography of neuronal tissue at laboratory sources with submicron resolution Marina Eckermann, Mareike Töpperwien, Anna-Lena Robisch, Franziska van der Meer, Christine Stadelmann, Tim Salditt Phase-contrast… Ingrid Aksnes Love0
Press releases February 4, 2020 Excillum launches the NanoTube N2 February 4, 2020 - Stockholm-based company Excillum today announces the launch of a new generation high-resolution X-ray… Ingrid Aksnes Love0
Publications April 18, 2019 Nucleus-specific X-ray stain for 3D virtual histology Mark Müller, Melanie A. Kimm, Simone Ferstl, Sebastian Allner, Klaus Achterhold, Julia Herzen, Franz Pfeiffer… Ingrid Aksnes Love0